Are you ready to unlock the secrets of alla prima painting and take your artistic skills to the next level? In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the techniques and strategies needed to master this expressive and dynamic style of painting. With Robert Armetta as your instructor, you’ll discover how to paint wet into wet, work from general to specific, and identify color averages to create stunning, textured pieces that shimmer with life. Follow along with Robert’s engaging demonstration and learn how to build a beautiful still life composition from start to finish. For more information and to access the full course, visit

Fundamentals of Alla Prima Painting

Before plunging into the world of alla prima painting, it’s crucial to understand the basics of this expressive and dynamic technique.

Understanding the Technique

Painting alla prima requires a deep understanding of the process. It’s a method that involves working quickly, making bold decisions, and embracing the unpredictability of the outcome. As you’ll learn in this comprehensive guide, alla prima painting is not just about applying paint to canvas; it’s about capturing the essence of your subject in a single, spontaneous session.

Essential Materials and Setup

For a successful alla prima painting experience, you’ll need the right materials and a well-organized workspace. Start by gathering your paints, brushes, palette, and canvas. Make sure your workspace is well-lit, comfortable, and free from distractions.

Fundamentals of alla prima painting begin with a solid understanding of your materials and setup. A good quality paint, for instance, will allow you to achieve rich, vibrant colors and subtle texture. Your brushes should be versatile and responsive, capable of handling thick, impasto strokes as well as delicate, whispery touches. A well-organized palette will help you work efficiently, allowing you to focus on the creative process rather than searching for the right color. By investing in the right materials and setting up your workspace thoughtfully, you’ll be able to focus on the true essence of alla prima painting: expressive brushwork and spontaneous creativity.

Want to see alla prima painting in action? Check out Robert Armetta’s demo course on Academy Everywhere, where he shares his expertise and guides you through the process of creating a stunning still life painting. Learn more.

Building Composition and Structure

Now that you’ve got a good understanding of the Alla Prima technique, it’s time to examine building the composition and structure of your painting. This is where the magic happens, and your painting starts to take shape.

Loose Drawing and Geometry

One of the key elements of Alla Prima painting is creating a loose drawing in paint. This involves blocking out the overall shapes and forms of your composition, focusing on the geometry and negative space. Don’t worry too much about precision at this stage – you’re aiming for a rough, gestural quality that will provide the foundation for your painting.

Carving Out Lights and Darks

Structure your composition by carving out lights and darks, creating a sense of depth and dimensionality. This is where you start to think about the relationships between different areas of your painting, and how they interact with each other.

Understanding how to carve out lights and darks is crucial to creating a cohesive, balanced composition. By doing so, you’ll be able to create a sense of volume and atmosphere, drawing the viewer’s eye through the painting. Be mindful of, it’s all about creating a sense of harmony and balance – experiment with different values and colors to find the right balance for your piece. For more insight into Robert Armetta’s approach to composition and structure, check out his demo at

Mastering Expressive Brushwork

Even the most skilled painters recognize that expressive brushwork is key to capturing the essence of their subject. It’s what sets apart a mediocre painting from a truly exceptional one. In this chapter, we’ll look into the techniques that will help you master expressive brushwork, just like Robert Armetta.

Painting Wet into Wet

An crucial aspect of alla prima painting is painting wet into wet. This means applying layers of paint to your canvas before the previous layer has dried. By doing so, you’ll achieve a sense of blending and merging that’s impossible to replicate with dry brushstrokes. Recall, the goal is to create a sense of fluidity and movement in your painting.

Working from General to Specific

For a successful alla prima painting, it’s crucial to work from general to specific. Start with broad, sweeping strokes to block in the overall composition, and then gradually build up to more detailed, precise brushwork. This approach allows you to establish the overall structure of your painting before refining the details.

Into this process, you’ll find that your brushstrokes become more confident and expressive, allowing you to capture the essence of your subject with greater ease. By working from general to specific, you’ll avoid getting bogged down in details too early on, and instead, focus on building a strong foundation for your painting.

Identifying Color Averages

Specific to alla prima painting is the importance of identifying color averages. Rather than trying to match every single color in your subject, focus on capturing the overall color harmony. This means simplifying your color palette and identifying the dominant colors that will give your painting its overall mood and atmosphere.

General guidelines for identifying color averages include looking for the warmest and coolest colors in your subject, as well as the lightest and darkest values. By doing so, you’ll create a color scheme that’s both harmonious and expressive. For more information on Robert Armetta’s approach to alla prima painting, check out his course at

Enhancing Your Paintings

Once again, Robert Armetta’s Alla Prima technique emphasizes the importance of expressive brushwork in creating captivating paintings. In this section, we’ll explore ways to take your artwork to the next level by enhancing texture, composition, and overall visual appeal.

Building Texture with Accurate Colors

Your ability to build texture with accurate colors is crucial in creating a visually appealing painting. By carefully selecting colors that reflect the texture of your subject, you can add depth and dimensionality to your artwork.

Using Color to Enhance Compositions

Any successful painting relies on a well-balanced composition, and color plays a vital role in achieving this balance. By strategically using color, you can guide the viewer’s eye through your painting, creating a sense of harmony and visual flow.

Texture, pattern, and color all work together to create a cohesive composition. For example, if you’re painting a still life with a busy background, you can use color to create a sense of unity by selecting a dominant color that ties everything together.

Adding Finishing Accents

On the surface, adding finishing accents may seem like a minor detail, but it can make all the difference in taking your painting from good to great. These subtle touches can add a level of sophistication and refinement to your artwork.

For instance, adding a few highlights to a still life can create a sense of sparkle and vitality, drawing the viewer’s eye to the focal point of your painting. By mastering the art of adding finishing accents, you can elevate your paintings and give them a professional polish.

Want to learn more about Robert Armetta’s Alla Prima technique and how to enhance your paintings? Check out his comprehensive course on Academy Everywhere, where he shares his expertise in a step-by-step demonstration. Learn more.

Final Words

The journey to mastering Alla Prima painting techniques has been a rewarding one, and with Robert Armetta’s guidance, you’ve gained the skills and confidence to take your art to the next level. Remember to practice regularly, experiment with different techniques, and trust your instincts. For more inspiration and to see Robert’s demonstration in action, visit Now, it’s your turn to create stunning, expressive pieces that shimmer with life – happy painting!

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